Minor & Augmented Voice Cycles

My previous post demonstrated how suspended 2nd & 4th chords can always share two voices while they are continually modulating through the keys.

I personally call these sequences and/or progressions..."Voice Cycles", for they are based on their ability to re-cycle themselves and not only on conventional voice-leading and common-tone principals.
I absolutely adore the harmonic stability that this technique creates and how easy it is to then create melodic figures over them once they have been established.

This posts example is of another progression(s) utilizing this approach, here it is being applied to minor and augmented chords, this time moving in mediant and symmetrical motions creating a wonderful six chord sequence.

                                        (Click once on images for full-size)

The beauty of this chord sequence is that in essence there are actually six progressions, not just one.
The symmetry of the mediant modulating minor chords and the symmetrical augmented triads allow us to start on virtually any chord as use it as our harmonic center.

I will be posting more of these voice cycles and I hope you find them as enjoyable and beneficial as I have. Enjoy!

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