This Blog demonstrates a fun combination of both the Lydian and Aeolian modes and shows how their characteristic notes can be emphasized within a Harmonic context to great effect.
This example is using the C Lydian and B Aeolian modes.
ANALYSIS: The Piano staff shows the basic voicings with the middle voices F# (#11 of C Lydian) and
G (b6 of B Aeolian) serving as the link to and from the chords while creating a nice 1/2 step tension rub.
In a strict sense the (b6 of Aeolian) would be considered an avoid note in a vertical context, however in a linear setting and by using instruments with lighter timbral characteristics it yields beautiful results.
Great for creating other worldly and dreamy effects.
Ironically the b6 of Aeolian is actually the note that provides Aeolian's color and mood as does the #11 to Lydian. I have applied this approach to all traditional scales and their individual modes.
Through the process I have discovered numerous chromatic movements and guide-tone connections that allow for smoother transitions to and from chord structures. I encourage others to do the same for the results are well worth the effort.
(Click once on image for full-size)